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Blue and Red Nautical Theme Party & Baby Shower Printables

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Thank you for your interest in our Blue and Red Nautical Theme Party & Baby Shower Printables.

This is a digital product that you can download once your payment is complete. No physical products will be shipped to you.

All files are for personal use only. Reselling or sharing is strictly prohibited.

Your Blue and Red Nautical Theme are printable on regular 8.5 x 11 inch paper. (Scroll down to see more detailed recommendations.) They can be printed from your computer, or take them to your local print shop. If you are printing from home, make sure that your printer is set to print at 100%/ actual size.


This is a digital product. No physical products will be shipped to you. Upon payment, your download will automatically start. All PDF files are printable on an 8.5 x 11 inch paper. Before printing, please ensure that your printer is set to print at 100% (actual size). All files are for personal use only. Reselling or sharing is strictly prohibited.

Included on this package:

  1. Baby Shower Banner
  2. Baby Shower Clip Art
  3. Cupcake Flags
  4. Cupcake Toppers
  5. Cupcake Wrappers
  6. Food Labels For Party
  7. Welcome Sign
  8. Personalized Favor Tags
  9. Scrapbook Paper or Tray Liner
  10. Straw Flags
  11. Thank You Tags
  12. Water Bottle Labels


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