Your house smells like a stinky diaper. You need a diaper pail deodorizer to make that stinky diaper odor go away.
Below is a comprehensive list of diaper pail deodorizer ideas that will solve your odor problem. Some ideas are super easy and can solve your problem right away – some are more long term. See which diaper pail deodorizer ideas fit best into your lifestyle.
DIY Diaper Pail Deodorizer
The following methods are simple diaper odor eliminators. They are great methods that actually work, and they work quickly too. Pick one or more methods that seem doable.
- Lysol – Spray Lysol
(or any disinfectant spray) into your diaper pail whenever you change the bag.
- Vinegar – Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Keep it close to your diaper pail, and spray it into the bottom of the pail every time you empty the bag. (Distilled white vinegar is a safe and natural diaper pail deodorizer.)
- Baking Soda – Sprinkle a little baking soda into your diaper pail every time you change the bag. One handy tip is to pour your baking soda into a big glass shaker – the kind of big holes
. It will make sprinkling the baking soda much easier.
Image Credit: - Drier Sheets – Add a drier sheet between the diaper bag and the diaper pail. Drier sheets smell good and they’re very cost-effective as a diaper pail odor eliminator;
- Coffee Grounds – They are really effective at getting rid of odors. Throw used or new coffee grounds into the bottom of your diaper pail, and let it stand for a few hours or overnight before rinsing it out.
- Used Coffee Grounds In A Filter – Throw old coffee grounds into a clean coffee filter, tie it up and place it at the bottom of your diaper pail. Place your new plastic bag over it.
- Cloves – Throw a few whole cloves into the bottom of your pail. This is a really quick and simple diaper pail deodorizer idea.
- Fresh Lemons – Cut a lemon in half and put it in a small bowl of water – cut side up. Place the bowl in your nursery to freshen the room.
- Lemon Skin – Scrape out the inside of a used lemon that has been cut in half. Fill it with salt, and place it at the bottom of the diaper pail. Replace it with another half lemon every time you take out a full bag. Keep in mind that fruits and vegetables are biodegradable so the lemon itself will become yucky, and therefore needs to be replaced regularly.
- Kitty Litter – pour a little kitty litter
into an old sock, and tie it up like a ball. Toss it into the bottom of the diaper pail. Replace it with a new pouch when it is no longer effective.
- Sunshine – Put your diaper pail out in the sun. The ultraviolet rays of the sun will kill built-up bacteria and mold. The sun will also dry out locked in moisture. This is a favorite diaper pail deodorizer -for many moms – and it’s free.
- Air It Out – Open the windows and let it flow through the room after you have emptied out the diaper pail. Fresh air is an excellent air freshener.
- Essential Oils – Mix a few drops of your favorite essential oils
into a spray bottle with water. Spray it in the air, and then do so again 2-3 hours later.
Long Term Solutions To Your Diaper Pail Odor
- Limit the number of diapers in the pail – Don’t fill the bag all the way to the top. Try to get into the habit of changing the bag every 2-3 days. If you change the bag every 8-12 diapers, there won’t be much time for the stinky diapers to live in the pail, thereby reducing the stench. The longer they sit, the stinkier they will get.
- Toss Poopy Diapers Outside – If you’re using disposable diapers, throw poopy diapers in a plastic grocery bag, tie it shut (to contain the smell), and throw it into your outside bin. This way, you won’t really need a diaper pail air freshener because the poop will never stay in your house.
- Use Pet Waste Bags For Poop Diapers – If you’ve tried grocery bags but they make your garage smell, consider using dog waste bags
. They are strong and are made for the purpose of holding poops, so they are more effective than grocery bags, or
- Use Odor-Blocking Trash Bags – Odor-blocking trash bags are very effective at containing the stench.
- Throw Poop Into The Toilet – If you cannot be bothered with odor-blocking bags or dog waste bags, consider dumping your baby’s poop straight into the toilet before you toss the diaper.
- Baking Soda + Essential Oils – Pour 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda into a coffee filter. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oils
. Create a pouch by tying it up with a twisty tie, ribbon, dental floss or elastic band. Throw it into the bottom of your diaper pail – in between your bag and the diaper pail. Once the stink returns, replace it with another pouch.
Image Credit: - Change Your Baby In One Room Only – By changing your baby in one room only, you are limiting the potential odors to only one room.
- Tightly Tie The Diaper Pail Bag – When you take the diaper pail bag out of your house, you’re probably taking it to the garage. This is where it will live until garbage day. So, you’re basically just moving the stench from one part of your house to another. One way of reducing the odor in your garage is by ensuring that you tie that diaper pail bag as best as you can. This helps to contain the smell.
- Wash Diaper Pail With Bleach – By washing your diaper pail frequently with soap and bleach, you get rid of any bacteria that develop in there.
- Change Disposable Diaper Brands – There is no science behind this but many moms swear by this method. They say to just switch diaper brands every few months. This seems to help reduce the odor.
- Try Bamboo Charcoal – Bamboo charcoal
is an effective diaper pail deodorizer. They eliminate diaper pail odors by absorbing the odors, not masking it.
- Diffuse Essential Oils – Diffusing essential oils like Bergamot, Grapefruit, Lemon, Lemongrass, Lime, Mandarin, Orange, Sage, Tangerine, and Lavender are great at reducing stale and musty odors. All you need is a diffuser
and a few drops of your favorite essential oils.
- Salt – Simple salt is a very effective odor neutralizer. Throw half a cup of salt into your diaper pail and have it sit for a while before rinsing it out. Some moms leave the salt in there and replace it when the stink returns.
- Eucalyptus – Saturate a cotton ball in eucalyptus. Eucalyptus oil is anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. It is effectively used to deodorize diaper pails.
- DIY Deodorizer Disks – Deodorizer disks are made out of a combination of effective odor eliminators. They’re really simple to make. Create a thick paste out of baking soda, distilled or boiled water, a few drops of your favorite essential oils (or use Bergamot, Grapefruit, Lemon, Lemongrass, Lime, Mandarin, Orange, Sage, Tangerine, and Lavender). Press them into muffin cups and a muffin tin, and let it stand for at least 24 hours to set and dry. Once dried, remove the muffin cup liners and place a disk at the bottom of your diaper pail (between the pail and the bag). Use one disk in your diaper pail at a time.
Image Credit: - Deodorizer Disks With Epson Salts – Epson salts
are known to reduce bacteria, which is why many moms like to add it to their deodorizer disks. The ratio would be 1 cup of baking soda to 3/4 of a cup of Epson salts, distilled or boiled water, and a few drops of your favorite essential oils. It is the same directions as above but the Epson salts give it that extra kick as an odor neutralizer.
- Vanilla Extracts – Saturate a cotton ball with vanilla extract
and place it at the bottom of your diaper pail – under the bag. To try to enhance the smell, you could have one saturated cotton ball in the bottom of the pail, and another on the table right next to the pail. This method is easy, yet effective.
Diaper Calculator
Our calculator uses data provided by the CDC's Baby Growth Charts and the diaper manufacturer's sizing and usage charts. CDC data is based on the average growth rate of a child.
However, not all children are the same. Please use the data provided as a general estimate to help you plan your diaper purchases.
Disposable Diaper Calculator Refresh
Add your baby's age & weight to calculate the number of diapers you will need during your first year. If you're still pregnant, please estimate your baby's weight.
How many diapers per day?
0-3 MONTHS | 10 |
3-6 MONTHS | 8-10 |
6-9 MONTHS | 6-8 |
9-12 MONTHS | 6-7 |
12-18 MONTHS | 5-6 |
18-36 MONTHS | 4 |
What size diaper to choose?
SIZE 1 | 8 - 14 LBS |
SIZE 2 | 12 - 18 LBS |
SIZE 3 | 16 - 28 LBS |
SIZE 4 | 22 - 37 LBS |
SIZE 5 | OVER 27 LBS |
SIZE 6 | OVER 35 LBS |
Here's a helpful chart of expected weight gain over the next 6 months. Hover over the chart for more details.
Amazing Savings For New & Expecting Parents

Diapering seems so easy at first glance, but it can get confusing and frustrating. Here are a few helpful posts to help you figure things out.