At any time of the year, it’s a great idea for us to complete an I AM THANKFUL FOR worksheet. However, we think about it most often around Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Either way, this is an excellent activity for little ones to recognize what they have and express gratitude for it.
These I AM GRATEFUL FOR printables were designed for little ones around preschool to elementary school. They are easy to print. Simply click on your preferred I AM THANKFUL FOR worksheet, and print.
For your convenience, we created 3 varieties for you to choose from. What you choose will depend on your kiddo’s interest.
Our I AM THANKFUL FOR printables are designed in portrait – please be sure your printer is set for portrait before you click print.
Our printables are free for personal use. Print as many as you like – there is no limit. Feel free to share it with teachers and friends.
Free Printable I AM GRATEFUL FOR Worksheet

I Am Thankful For Worksheet – Coloring And Writing
These are perfect for little ones just learning to write. They can write the words of the things they are grateful for, and color! It’s a great confidence booster.
Free Printable I AM THANKFUL FOR Worksheet

I Am Thankful For Coloring Page
These free printables are perfect for little ones who cannot write yet. They’ll be able to identify the pictures of the things they are grateful for, and color it.
Free Printable I AM GRATEFUL FOR Worksheet

I Am Thankful For Drawing
These printables are perfect for little artists who like to express themselves in drawings. Let your child draw as many things that they are grateful for.
Note From The Author
If you are a regular on this blog, you will have noticed that every now and again, we like to add our 5 cents under “Note From The Author.” In a way, these are gentle reminders to you, our audience, that this content is created by real parents – not creatives who are publishing for the sake of publishing.
We create these printables (and teething accessories, and guest books, etc.) for ourselves, and then we share them with you because sharing makes the world a better place!
Here are my little ones, enjoying the printables.

The leaves are falling. It’s getting a little cooler outside! It’s time for hot chocolate and pumpkin pie.